Sunday, November 21, 2010

Returning home

Saturday, November 20th (Afternoon)

As we left the museum, we encounted a bit of street theater.  A float of chanting Hare Krishna devotees.

We drove to the airport, returned the rental car, checked in and settled into the departure lounge to await our flight.  We ran into some of the St. Eulalia’s group that we first met on the trip in.  We swapped stories and were somewhat envious when we heard stories of installing insulation, mudding drywall, framing doors or just general demolition.

For our final meal in New Orleans, we each decided to have a Lucky Dog, as there was a concession in the airport.  These hot dog vendor carts are a local institution and can be found throughout the French Quarter. 

They've also been immortalized in A Confederacy of Dunces by John Kennedy Toole.  It's one of the funniest books I've ever read.

Without a doubt, the our Lucky Dogs were the worst meal we had in New Orleans.  In fact, they were probably the worst hot dogs we ever had in our lives.  Give us a good old Chicago Vienna Beef hot dog anyday!

The flight home was pretty smooth and uneventful, except for the last 15 minutes.  A little girl must have had problems with the air pressure and was wailing in pain.  We felt really sorry for her.  As we taxied to our gate, the Southwest flight attendant announced “We enjoyed serving most of you and hope that you enjoyed your flight.”

It was great to be back home, even though we has swapped sunny weather in the upper 60’s for overcast weather in the 40’s.

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